
Scroll Down
echo "\033[31m Reset Gitlab Code Script \033[0m"
echo "show gitlab branch";
git branch
echo "show gitlab tag list";
git tag
echo "\033[31m show tag info \033[0m"
read  -p "Please input your tagName:" tagName
git show $tagName
commitID=$(`echo git show "${tagName}"`| awk '{print $2}'|sed -n '1,1p')
echo "\033[31m this tag commitId is $commitID \033[0m"
read  -p "Please input your operation(reset/show):" operation
case $operation in
        echo "\033[31m Your choose is reset,reset commitId begin ... \033[0m"
        # reset commend
        # git reset --hard $commitID
        echo "\033[32m reset success \033[0m"
        git status
        echo "Your choose is show!"
        git status
        exit 0;
    echo "Your choose is error!"
    exit 0;
read  -p "Do you want to push changes to the remote master branch(yes/no):" op
case $op in
        echo "\033[31m Your choose is yes,push master begin ... \033[0m"
        #push commend
        #git push origin master
        echo "\033[32m push success \033[0m"
        git status
        echo "Your choose is no!"
        git status
        exit 0;
    echo "Your choose is error!"
    exit 0;